With the elimination of art car stages this year at EDC and thus no home for Breakbeats, we decided to skip the music festival on Saturday. Instead, we headed to The Arena Art Bar which was home last night to the “These Are The Breakz” show. Arena Art Bar was once home to Suite B Lounge which at the time was “Orlando’s home of Breaks”. Before we could get in, we had to make it past Door Host Greywolf where our ticket was scanned to make sure it was legit. The event began around 4PM yesterday and we arrived around 7PM. Even though it was pretty early, there was already a small crowd gathered. DJ Crudawg (USA) had just ended his set and he was turning the controls over to the next DJ…..DJ Kris Kokopelli (USA)The order of the evening, of course, were Breaks.His set included a lot of vocal Breaks.No one was dancing just yet.The bar was busy though.Spotted upon arrival, DJ Robotic (USA) with Brittany.Robotic is based in Miami. “Planet Soul – Set You Free”It’s always a special show when he plays Orlando!Dance floor was getting active.But still plenty of room for more.It was soon 9PM and time for DJ D-Money (USA).Of everyone on last night’s roster, he’s the only one we had not seen play previously.Good to finally meet him.The club was getting a little busier.A great alternative for EDC.He had the club bouncing.And then around 10PM, the next headliner came on.DJ Davie-D (USA)Davie-D is based in Tampa.Arena Art Bar has numerous sports arena references such as a box office, score board and these bleachers.Davie-D is no stranger to this venue. Back when this was Suite B Lounge he played at many shows here.He was getting the crowd riled-up!Close to 11PM, DJ Dave London (GB/USA) was up next.Opening with a Breaks remix of 80’s New Wave Duran Duran (GB) classic “Save A Prayer”.Always great to see Dave London.During his set the club became mobbed.Close to impassable!So many memories in this room for so many people.Bar was SO busy too!We ran into so many peeps last night. Many we knew but some were new.DJ Tooltime (USA) was looking rather sinister last night.No wonder. This is how he truly feels about his DJ duo partner, DJ Losman (USA).The two are always bickering with each other and often have to be kept apart.But they’re actually a fairly decent duo when they play together.Opening with Breaks remixes of John Summit (USA) hit “Human” and Dom Dolla (AUS) hit “Rhyme Dust”. Losman as animated as he always is!Earlier outside, DJ Rob E (USA) (second from left) had arrived from his opening gig on the kineticFIELD main stage at EDC. On the far right, Shaun Kerr dba DJ Swagkerr (USA).Last night at “These Are The Breakz”, Rob E would open his duo set with former DJ partner…..DJ Security (USA)The duo so often played together within these four walls at Suite B Lounge so it was amazing to see them together again last night.We found this 2019 photo in the Blog archives from when they played together at Bar B.There’s no school like the Old Skool.Dallas in the house!Dance floor was jammed.A lot of EDC fans came over after the festival ended at midnight.Breakers gonna break.More peeps!Spotted outside just prior to her set: DJ Heather Collins (USA) with DJ Davie-D.From the Blog archives, Heather Collins and Davie-D right here at Suite B Lounge in 2010 along with DJ Jennifer Marley (USA) for one of his all-female “Davie’s Angels” shows.She would come on around 1:40AM to close-out this perfect night.It’s always a great night when Heather Collins is playing.Joined here by main squeeze DJ Juz10tym (USA).Such a great night and a good time was had…..…..by ALL.
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